Gute Spieler nicht erwünscht…


Mit einer kuriosen Email macht derzeit Victor Chandler Poker, ein britischer Ipoker Skin, von sich reden. Der Originaltext lautet :

“If you are not already aware iPoker will be implementing a new policy in the New Year which will categorize players depending upon certain criteria. The new policy will also impose penalties upon card rooms that in essence, have a high proportion of winning players in relation to losing players.

Regrettably therefore, we are being forced to restrict a number of accounts in order to comply with the new policy and to avoid penalization by iPoker and it grieves me to inform you that we have no option for the time being other than to restrict the cash game stakes at which you can play on Victor Chandler Poker.

We sincerely regret having to take this action and hope that the policy will change in the future so that you may once again enjoy playing cash games at Victor Chandler Poker. In the meantime, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this action will cause but know that you can still play in our tournaments and on any other of the Victor Chandler suite of products.“

Im Klartext also – wer gewinnt darf kein Cashgame mehr spielen !Wie wir erfahren haben, wird diese Praxis auch auf anderen Ipokerseiten durchgezogen – nicht wenige Spieler wurden bereits gesperrt. Das Ipoker Management bleibt derzeit eine sinnvolle Erklärung für dieses Vorgehen schuldig…vcpoker

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